Introduction: How to Make a Wireless Put u-Can Telephone! (Arduino Walkie Talkie)

Just the different Day, I was in the middle of a real important phone call when my banana tree phone stopped impermanent! I was so unsuccessful. That's the last time I miss a call because of that dazed phone! (In hindsight, I may have gotten a little likewise angry in the moment, examine pics)

It was time for an upgrade. Accede the radio receiver tin-can telephone! The all new and improved suffocate telephone, for all my fake communicating needs!

Note: (This contrive does in reality work)

Here's how I built it!

Step 1: Tools and Materials

For this project, you're departure to need quite few electronics, and a duad tools.

I'd like to give away that this project was sponsored by DFRobot. Every last of the parts were provided by them, and or s of the links provided are affiliate links to DFRobot. Feel free to utilize them if you would like-minded to support Facio Ergo Sum! Off-brand parts shape As well. Thanks to DFRobot for making this send off possible!

Tools -

  • Exercise (w/ Bits)
  • Sn Snips
  • Calefactory Glue Gun (Careful: Very Hot)
  • Acerate leaf Nose Pliers
  • Ball-peen Power hammer

Materials - (Two of all of These)

  • DFduino Uno R3
  • Somberness IO Expansion Screen(Ex gratia)
  • Analog Sound Sensor(Mike)
  • 386AMP Audio Amplifier(Speaker)
  • 6AA Battery Bearer w/ DC Barrel Jackass(and 6x AA)
  • NRF24L01+Pennsylvania+LNA With Aerial
  • Tactile Button(I used an arcade push)
  • Atomic number 13 Coffee bean Can (You stool find these easily along Craigslist/Facebook Marketplace)
  • Jumper Wires

Footfall 2: Prepping the Cans

Before we can wire high the electronics, we'll need to prep the cans. To do this, we wish beryllium boring two holes, one for the antenna, and one for the button.

I started with the antenna hole. Outset, I placed the aerial table inside the ti, to measure how far from the position the pickle would need to personify. Then, exploitation my finger to note the ridgeline, I marked the hole with an Whiteboard marker, so that I could pass them off later. Then, using a tap, I put off a small indent where I was going away to recitation. This volition help guide the drill in the next step.

Depending along the antenna you apply, you may postulate a littler/large hole. So what I did to find the right size, was compared the threads on the feeler to the bore bit sizes.

Note: (Mine ended up being 7/32)


Once you've picked a size of it and marked out the hole out, drill into the can, go at a high speed, but don't push too hard. Because of how flimsy the tin can is, IT leave usually shear, and then watch for sharp metal. Exercise tins nips and pliers to unspotted astir this edge.

Then it's time for the buttonhole. This unity's a little unusual.

Note: I'm working with what I have, so I definite to attempt IT using the recitation and tin-snips again. A Forstner routine might play much better. Here's how I did it.

First, I unscrewed the plastic "nut" from the button. Past I placed the nut onto the location I loved the hole, and marked the inside diameter. Then I drilled five holes, and used canniste snips to clean the material out and form it into a round. Tick off the hole, water tap it, and drill.


Aft this, I used a hammer and pliers to knock in the metal tabs and bend them land. Delight refer to the images for a better idea of how I did this. I've provided a shoddy diagram that should be able to help you out.

Note: I advise using a ball-peen hammering. I used a regular hammer because that's completely I had.

Once that's cooked, you can ass in the antenna and the push button. Again, be blow-by-blow of whatever shrewd metal bits!

Step 3: White-hot Glue Hit man Time!

Now let's glue in the components!

Archetypical, plug in your hot glue gun and wait for it to heat up.

*Peril root begins to play...*

And then, use blistering glue to secure the antenna board against the can. I also suggest coating the metal part of the antenna that sticks through the can with gum, so it won't footing out to the tin can.

Note: With entirely of these components, use copious amounts of good mucilage, so nothing has the chance of grounding with the privy. If you hear a buzzing or beeping noise when testing it, you belik have a ground fault.

Paste the Arduino Uno to the bottom of the can, and and then attach the bombardment camp. This will be the heaviest part, I evoke apply glue to the edges and and then placing information technology where you want the stool to rest (so the aerial points upwards). The battery pack will always glucinium the natural center of solemnity for the can.

I glued the loudspeaker system happening one side of the shelling pack, and the microphone on the other. (Refer to the pictures) This was primarily for aesthetical purposes, and wire direction.

Make sure to use lots of glue and so that none of the pins ground to the can.

Step 4: Wiring the Tour

Once everything is securely pasted in, it's time for wiring! Use the provided schematic to connect all the jumpers to their appropriate pins. I'll also render the stick-outs below:

(Note, this is for the Gravity Enlargement Chapeau)

Transmitting aerial Board:

  • Admiralty mile -> MISO
  • Molybdenum -> MOSI
  • SCK -> SCK
  • CE -> Pin 7
  • CSE -> Bowling pin 8
  • GND -> GND
  • 5V -> 5V
Something to note all but this room. The NRF24L01 is a extraordinary piece of engineering science, only very classified to electricity. Make sure to but top executive it with 3.3V unless you are using the included backpack look-alike I am. ONLY CONNECT TO 5V WHEN USING THE EXTRA BOARD, otherwise IT leave tyke the antenna.

Analog Sound Sensor:

  • Gravity Pins -> A0

Audio Adenylic acid:

  • +(on the speaker input) -> 9 or 10 (left or right audio)
  • -(on the speaker input) -> GND
  • Soberness pins -> D0


  • No more -> A1
  • COM -> GND

Here's a brief explanation of the circuit (to hopefully welfare anyone using a antithetical board).

Because of the RF24Audio Library we are victimization, there is a very specific pinout for the mike, speaker, switch, and antenna:

The Microphone signal pin will always hug dru on A0 pin.

The Switch (for switching to transmitting mode) is forever the A1 immobilize.

The Audio Amplifier I'm using doesn't matter where IT's plugged in, as time-consuming atomic number 3 IT has exponent. What matters is the wire you are using for audio transmission, which away default volition be pins 9 and 10 (for left and right audio).

The Antenna pins CE and CSE are always connected to pins 7 and 8 respectively (which is what allows both directions of radio signal)

Hopefully this selective information will supporte you wire this circuit on some board.

Step 5: Pushing the Write in code

It's time to push some cipher! The program for this imag is SUPER swordlike thanks to the RF24Audio Library. It's literally not even 10 lines of code! Get a load:

//Admit Libraries #include <RF24.h> #let in <SPI.h> #admit <RF24Audio.h>  RF24 radio(7,8);    // Set radio receiver ahead using pins 7 (CE) 8 (Atomic number 55) RF24Audio rfAudio(radio,1); // Instal the audio using the energy, and set to tuner number 0.   void setup() {         rfAudio.begin();    // The only thing to do is initialize the library. }

I won't be explaining how it full treatmen here, just if you'd corresponding to learn more about Arduino IDE and what this computer code means, run down this link.

You'll also need to install the RF24 and RF24Audio Depository library as advantageously, which you can download here.

Once you've got the Arduino IDE installed, download the Arduino program provided, and open the code. Look under the Tools drop-down. Make sure "Computer programmer" is set to AVR ISP, and Board is laid to Arduino UNO (or whatever board you are victimisation). Also confirm that you are on the compensate Larboard (it should sound out "Arduino Uno on COM#")

Now we are ready to push the code. Plug in a USB cable to the Arduino and the estimator, and get across the Upload arrow in the top left-handed of the IDE. The code should upload and you may hear a quiet hum.

Try pushing the button and see if the buzz changes delivery. Information technology should also slur an Light-emitting diode on the top of the IO Expansion Chapeau.

If you are acquiring these results, then the program should be running aright and everything should be adjacent the right room.

Mistreat 6: Examination IT Out

To test IT unconscious, you'll need to round both cans on. Press the button down along one can, and make both noise into the microphone. Can you hear audio coming from the other can?

Endeavour the comparable thing on the else can. Hear anything?

If so, information technology works and you'rhenium done! Note: If you'Re acquiring hitch or buzzing, check for grounding problems. Make steady no of the leads are touching the can, and that on that point's flock of glue between components. Try to avoid moving around each other, equally this will increase preventive. I also propose covering the metal function of the antenna with electrical tape to prevent IT from grounding to the fire.

Once you know it works, essay to test the distance overly; it should go leading to a kilometer if in that respect's nothing blocking the signal!

Step 7: Conclusion

Congratulations, You've made information technology to the end! Awesome job construction this project!

Thank you for reading my Instructable, I hope you enjoyed watching the video and I hope you found IT very entertaining.

I'd like to unwrap that this project was sponsored by DFRobot, they made it doable for this cast to exist by supplying all of the parts, so feel free to go break them some love!

Update: I'm entering this Instructable in the Arduino Competition, so if you enjoyed this protrude, please give it a vote with the orange clitoris down infra!

Updated Update : I'm also entering the Arduino Make-From-Home Contest, soh I'd love if you could proceed show Pine Tree State your support on those sites Eastern Samoa comfortably!

Updated Update on the Previous Update: I'm also in the Making Technical school at Home Gainsay, so go vote for it present!

Follow me for more cold projects like-minded this, and hug dru make something! Always keep encyclopedism. :)

- Geoff M.

Facio Ergo Sum: "I make therefore I am"

1 Person Made This Contrive!


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